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Traxxas Differential kit, centre (complete)

Traxxas Differential kit, centre (complete)


The optional center differential independently transfers power to the front and rear differentials for smooth power delivery and maximum corner speed. Sealed and adjustable with different fluid viscosities, it comes fully assembled with 50-T, 52-T, and 54-T spur gears. Requires a 32-pitch pinion gear and is designed for off-road use with NiMH and 2-cell LiPo batteries only.

SKU: TRX6814
Brand: Traxxas
Release Date: Feb 12, 2020
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Product Description
Expand your competitive edge! The optional Center Differential transfers power to the front and rear differentials independently for smooth power delivery in rough conditions and maximum corner speed. The differential is sealed, and can be adjusted by using different fluid viscosities for specific driving conditions. The center differential is fully assembled and pre-filled, and your vehicle's modular design allows you to install the diff in just minutes.

Differential Technical Specifications

Weights & Dimensions
Shipping Weight0.10kg0.23lbs
Age Recommendation14+

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