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Traxxas Driveshafts, Revo / Maxx (Steel constant-velocity) (assembled with inner & outer dust boots) (for models with sealed pivot ball suspension & 3.8'' wheels) (4 pcs)

Traxxas Driveshafts, Revo / Maxx (Steel constant-velocity) (assembled with inner & outer dust boots) (for models with sealed pivot ball suspension & 3.8'' wheels) (4 pcs)


Brand: Traxxas
Release Date: Feb 12, 2020
Spares and Manuals
Product Description
Traxxas Steel Constant Velocity Driveshafts are designed to handle the extreme horsepower and articulation that a T-Maxx or Revo can dish-out. The inner and outer U-joints are lubricated and sealed by a rubber boot for maximum protection against the elements, and the U-joint pins are held captive by a lightweight aluminum sleeve so you never have to worry about losing a pin. The nickel plated steel shafts, blue silicone boots, and red-anodised aluminum accents not only look good, they are designed to exacting specifications for ultimate strength and performance. These are simply the most advanced steel CV driveshafts available. * T-Maxx (models #4902, 4908, 4909), Revo 3.3 (models #5308, 5309), E-Revo (model #5605) and E-Maxx (model #3905) only.

Driveshaft Technical Specifications

Weights & Dimensions
Shipping Weight0.30kg0.66lbs
Age Recommendation14+

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