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Traxxas Suspension arm Set, adjustable wheelbase (lengthens wheelbase 10mm or 19mm) (suspension arm upper (2 pcs) / suspension arm lower (2 pcs) / bumper mount spacers (2 pcs) / 4x16BCS (2 pcs))

Traxxas Suspension arm Set, adjustable wheelbase (lengthens wheelbase 10mm or 19mm) (suspension arm upper (2 pcs) / suspension arm lower (2 pcs) / bumper mount spacers (2 pcs) / 4x16BCS (2 pcs))


Brand: Traxxas
Release Date: Feb 12, 2020
Spares and Manuals
Product Description
Add an additional 10mm or 19mm of wheelbase extension to Revo, E-Revo and Summit in just minutes! Traxxas makes it easy by building the adjustment into the rear arms. Installation is a snap and the wheelbase can be quickly tuned trackside for any conditions. Select either 10mm or 19mm of extension by simply repositioning the pivot ball locations. Requires #5153R drive cups when using 5451R driveshafts.

Suspension arm Technical Specifications

Weights & Dimensions
Shipping Weight0.12kg0.27lbs
Age Recommendation14+

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