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Traxxas Velineon 3500 Brushless Motor (assembled with 12-gauge wire and gold-plated bullet connectors)

Traxxas Velineon 3500 Brushless Motor (assembled with 12-gauge wire and gold-plated bullet connectors)


The Velineon 3500 kV brushless motor features ultra high-temperature Neodymium magnets, high-speed ball bearings, and a precision-balanced rotor for power and longevity. With no brushes or commutator to wear out, maintenance is nearly eliminated. It delivers consistent, high-power output, run after run.

Brand: Traxxas
Model: Velineon 3500 BL Motor
Release Date: Feb 12, 2020
Spares and Manuals

Motor Technical Specifications

Weights & Dimensions
Shipping Weight0.31kg0.69lbs
Age Recommendation14+

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