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ScaleBitz 1:5 Scale Lysander Pilot

ScaleBitz 1:5 Scale Lysander Pilot


A 1/5-scale Westland Lysander / W.W.II-style pilot figure

SKU: SBZ011001
Brand: ScaleBitz
Release Date: Jun 29, 2018
Product Description
Due to a generally insatiable appetite for Seagull's 1/5-scale ARTF Lysander (5500158) and a common desire among owners to pretty-up the cockpit with a true-scale pilot, we thought it about time that we introduced this highly realistic purpose-made figure which, as you might imagine, fits like a glove. Add a coat of paint and watch your model turn from a good-looking representation into an outstanding example of the famous army co-operation and liaison aircraft. If you own a Seagull Lysander, let's be honest, it's a must.


Weight (g): 112
Material: Plastic (3D printed)

Technical Specifications

Weights & Dimensions
Shipping Weight0.12kg0.26lbs
Product Height150mm5.91in
Product Width73mm2.87in
Product Length112mm4.41in

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Westland Lysander III 2.99m (117.7in) (SEA-216)
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Seagull Westland Lysander III 2.99m (117.7in) (SEA-216)
5500158 Aircraft
RRP £916.99