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Oracover ORACOLOR for ORATEX Drab Olive (100ml)

Oracover ORACOLOR for ORATEX Drab Olive (100ml)


SKU: ORA110-018
Brand: Oracover
Key Features
  • By adding the hardener you automatically achieve the correct consistency of the paint for spraying or brushing.
  • Completely cured, ORACOLOR is fuel proof and can be ironed on. Furthermore, we would like to inform you that our model aircraft paints are highly concentrated and that,depending on the spraying machine,they need to be diluted up to 40% with ORACOLOR Special thinner to have the optimal consistency especially at lower or higher temperatures.
  • Not suitable for surfaces not resistant to organic solvents.

Technical Specifications

Weights & Dimensions
Shipping Weight0.17kg0.37lbs
ColourOlive Drab

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