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JTT Lily Pads, 1-1:5in Tall, O-Scale, (9 per pack)

JTT Lily Pads, 1-1:5in Tall, O-Scale, (9 per pack)


SKU: JTT95538
Brand: JTT
Release Date: Apr 3, 2017
Product Description
Nothing is more calming then contemplating Lily Pads. Seeming to float freely on the surface, their smooth edged, waxy leaves create an excellent accent for your waterscape . These floating leaves are usually found in standing water near the shoreline. Use them to add a deep, green .highlight and focal point to your water scenes. Made in O-scale, 1-1/2", 9/pk.

Technical Specifications

Weights & Dimensions
Shipping Weight0.03kg0.07lbs

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