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JTT Cattails, 1-1/2in Tall, O-Scale, (24 per pack)

JTT Cattails, 1-1/2in Tall, O-Scale, (24 per pack)


SKU: JTT95536
Brand: JTT
Release Date: Apr 3, 2017
Product Description
What's more authentic in a waterscape than Cattails? Virtually nothing. We've duplicated theses tall, shetland plants for your scale projects. From their blade-like leaves to their familiar brown, cigar-shaped flower these are realistic. Plant them as nature does in thick stands at the edge of a pond, lake or marsh. Then, for a finishirig touch, add JTT Lily Pads to the surrounding water. Made in O-scale, 1-1/2". 24/pk.

Technical Specifications

Weights & Dimensions
Shipping Weight0.03kg0.07lbs

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