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Seagull Maxi Lift 33cc 2.22m (87.6in) (SEA-209)

Seagull Maxi Lift 33cc 2.22m (87.6in) (SEA-209)


Why go for a small model when you can own an aeroplane that'll not just make an impression on your flying, but on your clubmates too! Strength, in-built versatility and its suitability for petrol power make this the perfect choice for a variety of tasks, from towing to toffee dropping.

SKU: 5500150
Brand: Seagull
Release Date: Jun 3, 2014
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Key Features
  • Wingspan - 222.2cm (87.6ins)
  • Wing Area - 69.2 dm2 (1072.6
  • Weight - 5.2 - 5.5Kg (11.5 - 12.1 lb
  • Length - 155.5cm (61.2ins)
  • Recommended Engine Size - 33cc Gas
  • Radio - 7 Channel with 10 Servos
Product Description
A high-wing monoplane that's both easy to fly and quick to assemble the Maxi Lift was designed from the ground up with the beginner in mind. The airframe is conventionally built using balsa, plywood and veneer, the combination of which make it stronger than the average ARTF. Even so, the cunning design results in a light aeroplane. In keeping with the ARTF tradition you'll find that most of the work has been done for you, indeed all the major components are pre-covered, the pushrods are pre-made to the correct length, the motor mount has been pre-fitted and all hinges are pre-installed and pinned for security. Flying the Maxi Lift is simply a joy.

Aircraft Technical Specifications

Weights & Dimensions
Shipping Weight5.42kg11.95lbs
ColourRed + White

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