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Hitec D946TW Standard Digital Coreless Servo 68g 23kg/0.1s 4.8V - 7.4V

Hitec D946TW Standard Digital Coreless Servo 68g 23kg/0.1s 4.8V - 7.4V


Sporting a full metal jacket Hitec's top end D946TW is a multi purpose, wide voltage, titanium gear servo that not only boasts impressive torque, but speed too.

SKU: 2221012
Brand: Hitec
Model: D946TW
Release Date: Jul 22, 2016
Product Description

Hitec's tradition of striving to continually advance servo technology has led to the new, hugely desirable, 32-bit D-Series, comprising the D941TW, D946TW and D951TW. Faster and more precise than ever before the programmable D946TW Multi Purpose servo is compatible with voltages of 4.8 to 7.4 and offers an impressive mid-range torque and speed of and 0.10 sec/60deg at 7.4 volts. That's not the half of it though, check out the full specification then quietly admire the beautifully anodised full metal case and gorgeous build quality. This, then, is a jewel-like, weightlifting, go-faster, water resistant, masterpiece of a servo with the precision and visual appeal of a Swiss timepiece. It's hard not to want one.

Servo Technical Specifications

Weights & Dimensions
Shipping Weight0.15kg0.34lbs
Product Height38mm1.50in
Product Width20mm0.79in
Product Length40mm1.57in

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