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Hitec HSB-9485SH Standard Digital Brushless Servo 62g 26kg/0.15s 6.0V - 7.4V

Hitec HSB-9485SH Standard Digital Brushless Servo 62g 26kg/0.15s 6.0V - 7.4V


High torque version in 9000-series with metal gears. High voltage with low-current-draw brushless motors.

SKU: 2220985
Brand: Hitec
Model: HSB-9485SH
Release Date: Jun 12, 2013
Key Features
  • Durable metal gears with ball bearings
  • Programmable digital amplifier with Brushless Digital Circuit (BLDC) motor
  • Hybrid MPD (Metal-Plastic-Duralumin) 1st Gear
  • Water and dust tight
  • Constant output
Product Description

Pro level hobbyists demand the power and precision found in our triple threat HSB-94XX servos. Each one is designed with our durable steel gears and impressive Neu Castle brushless motors with the HSB-9465SH bringing lightning speed.


  • Durable Steel Gear Train
  • 25-Tooth Standard Spline
  • Programmable 12-Bit Resolution Digital Circuit
  • Ultra Low Current Consumption
  • Constant Power Output

Brushless Servo Technology

Hitec rings a significant technological innovation in BLDC servos

Constant Output

Regardless of your power input (6.0V - 8.4V), Hitec's brushless servos will maintain constant output power throughout your flight or racing.

BLDC Servos Programmable Digital Circuit

You can utilise Hitec's PC interface to customise your brushless servos to maximise your performance in a multitude of applications.

Hybrid MPD (Metal-Plastic-Duralumin) 1st Gear

The metal, plastic and duralumin hybrid 1st gear gives our brushless servos maximum performance and durability even in the touchest applications. The plastic within the MPD prevents inadvertent electrical contact with the aircraft or vehicle's hardware.

Ultra Low Current Consumption

'Energy efficiency' is a common interest for all modelers. By designing servos which consume only 1/5th of the power of existing brushless servos, Hitec engineers have successfully achieved low power consumption and our goal for combining efficiency and dynamics in a brushless servo technology.


The Power Absorbing Device prevents the backflow of current to devices that cannot accept it.

Servo Technical Specifications

Weights & Dimensions
Shipping Weight0.14kg0.31lbs
Product Height37mm1.45in
Product Width20mm.78in
Product Length40mm1.57in
Application20-60 sized Aircraft
60 sized Helicopters
Steering and throttle
Nitro & Gasoline Truck & Boats

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