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Hitec HS-7245MH Mini Digital Coreless Servo 34g 6.4kg/0.11s 6.0V - 7.4V

Hitec HS-7245MH Mini Digital Coreless Servo 34g 6.4kg/0.11s 6.0V - 7.4V


SKU: 2216574
Brand: Hitec
Model: HS-7245MH
Release Date: Nov 11, 2011
Product Description

Watch out, here it comes! Our new high voltage, coreless HS-7245MH servo delivers exceptional speed and torque in a compact package. Built with an efficient coreless motor optimized for 7.4V operation and heavy-duty metal gear train with dual ball bearings, this high-end mini servo delivers unbridled performance just like its brother, the HS-7235MH.Whether you are flying mid-size gas and electric airplanes, 500-550 electric helis, or driving 1/12th scale on-road racers and 1/18th scale rock crawlers, the full-size muscle of this servo will make you the master of your RC domain.Exceeding Your Expectations Is What We Do!

Servo Technical Specifications

Weights & Dimensions
Shipping Weight0.08kg0.18lbs
Product Height33mm1.29in
Product Width17mm.66in
Product Length32mm1.28in
ApplicationEP 500 Class Helicopters
1/12-1/18 Cars
Glider & EP Airplanes
EP & GP Boats

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